Category: Spirituality

  • 7 Simple Meditation Steps for Students: Instant Focus for Studying

    Meditation can be an incredibly powerful and transformative practice for students. With so much going on in school, a regular meditation practice can help students manage stress, improve focus, and gain more inner peace. As someone who started meditating in college, I’ve experienced the incredible benefits of meditation steps for students firsthand when it comes…

  • Buddhist Meditation for Inner Peace: 7 Techniques for Finding Serenity

    Meditation has been an essential part of Buddhism for thousands of years. The Buddha himself achieved enlightenment through meditation, and many Buddhists since have followed in his footsteps to find inner peace and wisdom. In this guide, I’ll share seven powerful yet straightforward Buddhist Meditation for inner peace to help you cultivate inner peace, calm,…

  • Isha Krya System for Deep Meditation: Insightful Guide

    I first learned about Isha Krya System for deep meditation a few years ago when I was seeking tools to help manage stress and find inner peace. As someone who struggled with anxiety, I was drawn to meditation and spiritual practices that could help calm both my body and mind. I learned that Isha Kriya…

  • 21 Buddhist Mantras for Beginners: Unlocking the Power of Om and Lotus

    As a beginner exploring Buddhism, you may have heard about mantras – short sacred syllables and words that are chanted repetitively during meditation. Mantra chanting is a common Buddhist practice that is believed to help focus the mind, invoke benevolent forces, and bring wisdom, compassion, healing and inner peace. In this article, I will introduce…

  • Spiritual Meditation for Beginners: A Guide to Inner Peace and Clarity

    Meditation is a powerful form of spiritual practice that can lead to profound shifts in awareness and perception. For beginners interested in exploring meditation for spiritual growth and inner peace, this comprehensive guide aims to equip you with everything you need to start a consistent meditation practice. We will cover the meaning of spiritual meditation…

  • Kundalini Meditation for Beginners: How to Practice Kundalini Yoga

    As I stepped barefoot onto the yoga mat for my first ever Kundalini class, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard amazing things about the powerful energy awakening and transformative potential of this mystical practice. My inner curiosity was piqued, but I’ll admit I also felt some nervous apprehension about diving into something…

  • Reiki Meditation for Self-Healing: Guided Practices for Inner Peace and Wellness

    As a long-time reiki practitioner and teacher, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible healing energy that this tradition offers. Reiki taps into the universal life force energy, or ki, that flows through all living things to activate our innate self-healing abilities. While reiki treatments from another person can be very powerful, I’ve learned that self-reiki can…

  • Meditation for Asthma: How Mindfulness Helps to Breathe Easier

    As an asthma sufferer myself, I have personally found great benefit in incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga into my asthma management routine. These techniques can provide natural healing and help relieve symptoms when paired with traditional asthma treatments and medications. In this article, I’ll share my firsthand experiences as well as evidence from…

  • Vipassana Meditation for Beginners: Techniques for Home Practice

    Vipassana meditation for beginners promises a profound transformation of our fundamental reality if practiced correctly. But what defines it, and how does it rewire the mind? Years ago, at my first vipassana retreat, I discovered how repeatedly witnessing subtle body sensations with mindful equilibrium unravels your conditioned identity. Everything felt interconnected and devoid of solidity.…