Buddhist Chanting for Beginners: Mantras and Meditation




Buddhist Chanting for Beginners. Man looking at chants in his books.

When I first started exploring Buddhist chanting, I found the variety of mantras and sutras quite overwhelming. As a complete beginner to this spiritual practice, I wasn’t sure where to begin. However, I learned that there are a few common chants that are perfect for those just starting out and put all my tips on Buddhist chanting for beginners below.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Good beginner chants include Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Heart Sutra, and Green Tara mantra
  • Benefits include increased calm, concentration, devotion, community, and meditation aid
  • Proper technique involves an upright, dignified posture with eyes closed and natural breathing
  • Start with 5-10 minutes chanting daily, then gradually increase duration
  • Videos, apps, groups, and books can provide initial guidance
  • Pay more attention to the sensation than visualizing or analysis when starting out
  • Growing tranquility, equanimity and compassion indicate effective practice

The best Buddhist chants for beginners

  • Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – This is the central mantra chanted within Nichiren Buddhism. It translates to “Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra” and is an expression of the universal truth of enlightenment taught by the Buddha. As a beginner, it’s an accessible starting point.
  • Om Mani Padme Hum – Popular within Tibetan Buddhism, this mantra invokes the blessings of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The syllables represent the purification of negative karma.
  • Medicine Buddha Mantra – Used for healing, this mantra calls upon the Buddha of Healing, one of the most universally loved figures in Buddhism. The mantra builds compassion and aids spiritual progress.
  • Heart Sutra – This key Mahayana Buddhist sutra teaches the doctrine of emptiness and directly points to the nature of reality. Chanting it helps cut through delusion.
  • Green Tara Mantra – This is a prayer to the female Bodhisattva Tara, asking for her assistance in removing obstacles, fears, worries, and overcoming difficulties.

As a beginner Buddhist interested in chanting, any of those are great options I would recommend starting with. They provide an accessible introduction to traditional Buddhist teachings and the transformative power of spiritual recitation.


  • Focus on just one or two mantras instead of jumping randomly between too many. Repetition builds familiarity.
  • Don’t worry yet about pronunciation or technique. Chant sincerely from the heart.

What are the benefits of chanting for beginners

In my personal experience, taking up Buddhist chanting provided me numerous valuable benefits, even as someone entirely new to the practice. Here are some of the key benefits I found:

Promotes Mindfulness & Concentration

The repetitive rhythm of mantra recitation strongly supports the development of one-pointed mental focus and mindfulness. Paying attention moment-by-moment stopped my mind from wandering as easily.

Calms & Centres the Mind

Linking the breath to the syllables has an amazingly calming influence. Through chanting I was able to drop into a serene, tranquil space of inner stillness. It brought balance when I felt frazzled.

Creates Joyful Devotion

Chanting evoked heart-felt devotion – a sense of connecting to something larger than my individual self. I felt joy reverberating the sacred syllables that have been uttered by Buddhists across millennia.

Provides Sense of Tradition & Community

Even as a beginner chanting alone, just knowing countless fellow Buddhists recite the same words provided me a powerful sense of belonging to an ancient, rich tradition spanning vast lands and timescales.

Supports Meditation Practice

Using chanting as an initial focal point helped stabilize my attention so I could more easily transition into seated silent meditation. The mantras anchored me in the present moment.

Fosters Understanding of Core Buddhist Teachings

Contemplating the meanings behind the ancient words of sutras and mantras naturally led to a growing conceptual appreciation of foundational Buddhist principles during my initial forays into chanting.

The proper technique for chanting as a beginner

As an absolute beginner to Buddhist spiritual practice, I’ll admit I found the idea of proper chanting technique a bit intimidating. However, through trial and error, I’ve discovered a few simple techniques that have worked well for me even as I continue learning.


Sit with a straight back, either in a chair or ideally in a comfortable cross-legged posture on a meditation cushion. Allow the spine to elongate without straining. Keep shoulders relaxed down. This dignified posture represents the enlightened state towards which we aspire through practice.

Hand Position

Many Buddhist traditions use symbolic mudras during chanting. For beginners, I recommend simply resting the back of your right hand lightly in the palm of your left, thumbs lightly touching to form an oval space. This aligns and connects the energy centers of the hands.


Keep eyes partly or fully closed to support turning the attention inward and reduce visual distraction. I prefer to close my eyes fully, but do whichever feels most comfortable for you.

Breath & Voice

Breathe fully and deeply, allowing the exhalation to gently carry the voice on the syllables of the mantra or sutra. Don’t force the volume; chant sincerely, not loudly. Your recitation should float tranquilly like the soothing sound of a calm brook.

Pace & Rhythm

Chant at a natural, steady pace, allowing the syllables to flow smoothly from one to the next. I gently sway my body, riding the hypnotic rhythm like a song. Find a speed where you feel focused, peaceful and tuned-in.

Meaning & Intention

Reflect on the meaning or essence of the chant and set your sincere intention. Combine full embodiment of the mantra through posture and voice with activated mindfulness and concentration on the present moment experience.

The natural chanting process calms the mind, uplifts the spirit and touches the heart when performed mindfully with virtuous motivation. Don’t worry about precise formalities as a beginner. Chant in your own way for your own journey of transformation and awakening.

How long should a beginner chant each day when starting out

Woman outside in a flower meadow chanting while meditating.

When I first began dabbling in the practice of Buddhist chanting, I wasn’t sure how much time I should dedicate. Is chanting something you’re supposed to do for hours and hours right from the beginning? Can it be effective in smaller doses? Here’s what I’ve found works well:

Start Small

As a total beginner to chanting, even just 5-10 minutes once or twice a day is great. Shorter sessions prevent straining your voice and provide a gentle introduction for forming the new habit.

Gradually Increase

Once chanting for 10 minutes feels comfortable, you can try lengthening your practice bit by bit. Slowly build upto chanting for 15-20 minutes daily. Eventually you may progress to half hour sessions once or twice a day if inclined. But don’t rush increasing durations.

Quality Over Quantity

Remember that the sincerity, concentration and intentionality you bring to the practice matter more than the quantity of time you chant. Two focused minutes carry infinitely more power than an hour of distraction or forced chanting.

I’ve also found combining chanting with breath awareness and silent meditation extends the benefits. For instance, I might spend 5 minutes chanting mantras, 5 minutes following my breath, and 5 minutes sitting in open presence. This breaks up the sessions nicely for beginners developing concentration.

According to ProKensho, creating a quiet and clean space for chanting, possibly with a small altar or an image of Buddha, can enhance the experience by setting a serene atmosphere​​.

The main point is not to think you need to chant for extremely long periods as a complete novice. Let your enthusiasm guide you to chant for whatever reasonable durations feel truly nourishing. Ten minutes can be a profound journey within!

Is it necessary to have a teacher when learning chanting as a beginner

When I decided to explore Buddhist chanting, one concern was whether beginners need the guidance of a teacher. Were proper technique and understanding beyond my reach without an expert instructor familiar with the nuances?

I’ve found through experience that while having a guru or lama can provide invaluable wisdom transmitting the essence of practice, it is not absolutely required as beginner. Here’s why:

Videos & Books Can Support Basics

There are now many resources from Buddhist teachers freely available online covering the foundations of how to chant – from videos demonstrating technique, to blogs and books elucidating the meaning. These can set you on the right foot until able to attend a class or retreat.

Apps Help Learn Pronunciation

Desktop and mobile apps for learning chanting provide recorded examples for picking up pronunciation – a common initial anxiety. I found these tutorials effectively allayed my concerns about ‘getting it right’. Gradually over weeks of repeating syllables along with the recordings, my accuracy improved.

Local Sanghas Offer Group Chants

Without yet having my own teacher I was able to attend open public sessions at local Buddhist centers where I could participate in group chants. Blending my untrained voice with others brought confidence to keep practicing as I surely stumbled over syllables.

Sincerity Over Perfection

Buddhist philosophy stresses the importance of pure-hearted intention over technical precision. The authenticity of spiritual longing matters more than hitting every note perfectly. Through patient self-acceptance we continue progressing along the path.

With the abundance of resources nowadays available for the fledging, lack of personal guru should not deter you beginning an exploration of chanting’s boundless blessings! Dive in without worry and opportunities for a teacher will surely arise.

Chant Resource TypeExamplesUsefulness for Beginners
VideosLotus Bud YouTube ChannelHigh – demonstrations with subtitles help initially learn
BooksThe World of Tibetan Buddhism by His Holiness the Dalai LamaMedium – background info helpful long-term
AppsiBme Meditation Timer AppMedium – some pronunciation support
Local GroupsVipassana Meditation CommunityHigh – direct experience participating

What mantras or chants are good for beginners to start with?

Man meditating in the forest with energy waves around him.

As I hoped to gain greater wisdom, clarity and insight in my spiritual journey, I was drawn to exploring the practice of Buddhist chanting. However as a complete beginner, I was initially overwhelmed by the vast array of complex mantras and chants used in various traditions of Buddhism. I wondered – which ones are suitable for novices starting out?

In my research, I discovered several examples that seem perfect for those taking first steps on the Buddhist path:

Refuge Prayer

This verse offers homage to the Buddha, the Dharma (his teachings) and the Sangha (spiritual community). It expresses taking safe direction in these Three Jewels at the core of Buddhism. As an introductory devotion, it provides a great doorway for beginners.

Heart Sutra

This powerful Mahayana Buddhist scripture directly articulates the meaning of emptiness – the ultimate nature of reality. It is often memorized and chanted repeatedly to engrain experiential wisdom about the true Self. The words cut through layers of delusion around identity and phenomena.

Green Tara Mantra

Tara is a beloved female Bodhisattva revered for giving protection and relief from all manner of difficulties. Her mantra invokes her merciful blessings, perhaps bestowing the fearless bliss she incarnates. It brings courage and grace amidst life’s hurdles.

These classic verses offer an accessible starting point for novices keen to tap into chanting’s benefits but not yet ready for more advanced Tantric sadhanas. Try alternating between these foundational options when beginning a chanting practice. Let their elucidating meanings and soothing sounds penetrate deep within!

What is the proper technique for chanting as a beginner?

As someone entirely new to the intriguing practice of Buddhist chanting, I was very unsure about what physical posture, mudra and vocal technique would be suitable for a complete beginner. Did I need to crouch in an impossible twisted knot while expertly modulating strange foreign syllables?

Through gentle experimentation, I’ve discovered how to chant in a way that feels aligned for novices – simple, accessible and authentic:


Sit comfortably upright whether in chair or cross-legged, embodying dignity. Allow spine to elongate without rigidity and relax shoulders down. This lends a sense of wakeful attentiveness conducing meditative awareness.

From The Daily Meditation, it’s advised to sit or stand comfortably with good posture to ensure your lungs open fully for deeper chanting​​.

Eyes, Hands and Breath

With eyes partly closed and hands rested palms-up on knees, breathe slowly and deeply through the nose, releasing any tensions. Settling into bodily stillness and quietness launches the inner journey.

Voice and Pace

Chant in natural pitch and volume, steady and unhurried. Let go of expectations around aesthetic quality. Instead allow the mantra’s intonations to spill forth unpretentiously like whispers of wind through leaves – organic, unforced and tranquil.

Meaning and Feeling

Reflect on translations or visualizations related to the chant while reciting, or simply enter into the resonant feelings and qualities evoked. Absorb subtly shifting mindstates without judgement rather than analyzing intellectual concepts.

Thus through balancing relaxation and attention, neophytes can discover great peace, joy and insight from chanting without contorting into uncomfortable postures or worrying about precise technique. With a serene and sincere heart, the most simple practice bears sweet fruit!

How do I find Buddhist chanting events for beginners in my area?

Buddhist Chanting for Beginners. Meditation retreat outdoors under a tree.

As I became curious about the Buddhist practice of spiritual chanting, I wanted to experience participating in this tradition in a group context but wasn’t sure where to look within my local community. What resources could help me find chanting events suitable for beginners?

Here are some of the places I’ve discovered most helpful for locating introductory classes and ceremonies near me as a novice chanter:

Online Directories

Websites like Buddhanet maintain searchable databases of Buddhist centers and organizations across regions. Browsing these lets you find local options then check their individual websites about chanting events.

Meetup.com Groups

Many informal Sangha gatherings coordinate meetings through Meetup. Search for Buddhism-related groups in your city, then filter specifically for chanting events to see relevant upcoming sessions you can join.

Facebook Groups

Lots of communities now have Facebook Groups where members post about urban meditation activities. Join a few local Buddhist groups and scroll their event listings for chant meetings welcoming newcomers.

City Magazines

Print and online magazines focused on local cultural happenings often include New Age-themed events like chanting circles. Flip through alternative press outlets in your town to potentially discover special workshops.

With so many ways now to find communal chanting opportunities online and in-person, curious beginners needn’t wait long before gathering together to raise their voices celebrating ancient wisdom! Seek and ye shall find.

What posture or mudra should I use when chanting as a beginner?

As I began trying Buddhist chanting as a contemplative practice, choosing an appropriate posture was one element I was uncertain about as a total novice. Is there a specific seated position or symbolic hand gesture (mudra) that is recommended?

Through looking into various traditional approaches, I’ve settled on a safe basic posture well-suited for beginners:

Seated Position

Sit comfortably erect whether in chair or cross-legged, without being rigid. Allow the spine to elongate upwards from the pelvis into the neck, relaxing the shoulders down. This dignified presentation represents awakening.


Many rituals use intricate mudras, but simple open palms resting on the knees or held face up symbolizing receiving are unpresumptuously suitable for novices. The hands form a vessel of devotion to be filled by our Practice.


Eyes can be fully or partially closed, whichever supports turning attention inwards and reducing distraction. Closing them helped me sink deeper into reflection and contemplation upon the meaning of the words voiced.

Breath & Chanting

Inhale diaphragmatically then ride the exhalation, giving vibration to the mantra or sutra with relaxed attention. This anchors awareness in the continuous flow of the present moment.

Rather than assuming complex postures as beginners, consider keeping seated carriage simple but engaged to provide inner ballast for concentration amidst chanting. With spine upright and eyes serene, voice and breath combine; thus spirit ridesAscending symbolizing our path toward awakening through Practice.

Is chanting more effective alone or in a group for beginners?

As I began adding chanting to my catalogue of contemplative practices, one dilemma was whether it would it be better as a solo activity or joining group sessions with others. Did communal rhythmic recitation hold special advantages for a fledgling practitioner?

Through alternating both approaches, I’ve discovered merits to each offering. Here are key factors to consider:

Solo Chanting

  • Promotes learning proper technique at your own gradual pace
  • Fosters introspection, reflection and meditative absorption
  • Eliminates self-consciousness around others during practice
  • Offers control to find most optimal set up and environment
  • Provides fuller appreciation of chant’s effect on your own mind and state

Group Chanting

  • Creates uplifting sense of belonging, community and connection
  • Harnesses power of combined harmonized sacred sound
  • Adds inspiring spiritual energy that elevates the practice
  • Builds confidence hearing others make same pronunciation errors
  • Motivates increased duration and frequency through social drive

Ideally integrate both solo home practice to nurture internalization alongside communal sessions for mutual inspiration and understanding of the shared chanting tradition. Together alone, we progress!

Videos or apps to help with learning chants for beginners

When I decided to take up ritual Buddhist chanting, one of my first questions was whether useful apps or instructional chanting videos existed to help guide complete beginners. Were there digital tools available to assist learning proper techniques, pronunciations and meanings behind the various exotic mantras used in different traditions?

In searching online, I discovered a wealth of helpful resources in these mediums to support novices:

YouTube Tutorials

Hundreds of Buddhist teachers have recorded YouTube tutorials clearly demonstrating how to chant and explaining crucial context. I often return to Lama Jigme’s Green Tara Mantra Demonstration.

Dictionary Apps

Software like Visible Mantra for iOS shows Devanagari script for Hindu and Buddhist mantras alongside translations – invaluable for accurate recitation!

Guided Chanting Meditations

Apps like InsightTimer have extensive catalogues of recorded guided practices featuring sutra chanting, facilitating learning. These provide repetition for memorizing.

Dharma Talk Podcasts

Podcasts such as Mindrolling include conversations explaining philosophical concepts frequently referenced in chants, supporting conceptual appreciation.

While having a live teacher is ideal, these digital aids help establish a foundation for delving into the magnificent world of voiced Buddhist prayers through providing initial training wheels. With time and practice, the training wheels fall away!

What should I think about or visualize when chanting as a beginner

As I began practicing Buddhist chanting meditation, I wondered what my thought process should involve beyond simply uttering the mantra syllables repeatedly. Should I consciously visualize specific imagery or contemplate philosophical concepts related to the sutras? Attempting to force intentional focus often felt strained.

I’ve realized a more organic approach works well for me as beginner:

First, set motivation

Before voicing a chant, consciously connect with your sincere intention – whether for benefiting all beings, concentrating the mind, devotional aspirations or insight into Buddhist principles. Plant this motivational seed.

Next, attend the sensation

As you actually start chanting, turn attention more to the present-moment feeling rather than strong mental effort. Follow the reverberative sensation and vibration pulsing through body, breath and voice. Surf this energy wave.

Absorb impact on mental state

Without forcing anything, naturally, notice how your mood and mind state shift during the chant. Appreciate flowing thoughts, memories or visions that arise then dissolve, without attachment. Receive introspective insights gracefully.

Amid the lulling rise-and-fall rhythm of hypnotic recitation, avoid over-complicating the practice with too many staged expectations. Simply plant a sincere intention, then openhandedly observe inner experience unfolding. Thus does the mantra subtly untangle and transform consciousness!

How I know if my chanting practice is working or effective as a beginner

As I integrated regular Buddhist chanting sessions into my daily routine, an uncertainty lingered around whether my amateur efforts as a beginner were achieving any real impact or progress. Beyond calming relaxation in moments, how could I tell this practice was “working” in the broader sense and worth continuing?

Through patient self-observation, here are several key indicators I’ve noticed revealing meaningful effects accumulatively unfolding from my novice attempts at spiritual recitation:

  • Growing sense of inner tranquility and balance
  • Heightened present moment awareness in daily activities
  • Expanded compassion and patience for others’ faults
  • Increased letting go of egoistic attachments and aversions
  • Spontaneous insight into the nature of consciousness itself
  • Subtly transformed perspectives and priorities
  • A building sense of life’s meaning and interconnectedness

Rather than expecting flashy experiences, know that chanting’s blessings creep gently into consciousness like the first shy spring flower petals slowly nudging through frozen earth. Subsequent spiritual fruits emerge in their own time if we but open space through steady practice. Have faith the seed will sprout!

FAQ on Buddhist Chanting for Beginners

Q: What are Buddhist mantras and are they suitable for beginners?

A: Buddhist mantras are phrases or sentences in Pali or Sanskrit, repeated over and over as a form of meditation. They are an integral part of various Buddhist practices and can be chanted by anyone regardless of experience. Therefore, they are absolutely suitable for beginners.

Q: What is the significance of chanting in traditional Buddhist practices?

A: In traditional Buddhist practices, chanting is viewed as an expression of the individual’s true nature and an opportunity for self-reflection. It’s a form of meditation that aligns the chanter with the teachings of the Buddha and promotes personal transformation.

Q: As a beginner, what is one of the first things I should know about this religious practice?

A: One of the first things that you should understand is the purpose and significance of chanting. The act of chanting helps to remind individuals about core teachings of the Buddha, such as wisdom, compassion, and the precept of non-harming. It can also be a powerful tool of concentration and deep contemplation.

Q: Can you recommend any Buddhist mantras for beginners to start with?

A: “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo” is one of the well-known Buddhist mantras you can begin chanting. It’s an expression in Nichiren Buddhism that translates to “I devote myself to the Lotus Sutra”. Another popular mantra is “Om mani padme hum”, which encapsulates the teachings of Buddha’s wisdom and compassion.

Q: What are the typical steps involved in a Buddhist chanting session for a novice?

A: To begin chanting, find a suitable and calming spot. Choose a mantra that resonates with you personally. Recite the mantra slowly and clearly, synchronizing your voice with the rhythm of your breath. Typically, Buddhist monks or practitioners will use a mala – a string of 108 beads – to keep track of the repetitions.

Q: Is there a product that could help improve my chanting experience as a beginner?

A: Yes, you’ll find that mala beads can be a valuable tool for newcomers. As you recite your mantra, you can move along the beads with your fingers which can help keeping track of repetitions and aid focus. Audio recordings of various Buddhist chants can also be useful in learning the correct pronunciation and rhythm.

Q: Does Theravada Buddhism also involve chanting?

A: Yes, chanting is incorporated into the practices of many Buddhist schools, including Theravada. The chanting involves recitation of the Buddha’s sermons or discourses, and is often done in Pali, the language of the earliest Buddhist scriptures.

Q: Is it acceptable to stop chanting midway, if I am unable to continue?

A: There’s no stringent rule with chanting. If for some reason you’re unable to continue, you can stop chanting. Remember, the main goal is to maintain inner tranquillity and mindfulness during the process.

Q: What types of various chants are in the Buddhist tradition?

A: There are many various chants in Buddhism. The “Heart Sutra”, “Lotus Sutra”, and “Metta Sutta” are among the famous in Mahayana Buddhism. In Theravada, evening and morning chantings, also known as ‘Pirith’, are common. Chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” is significant in the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

Q: How can chanting in Buddhism contribute to personal transformation?

A: Chanting mantras like “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” can foster personal transformation by offering moments of peace, reflection, and mindfulness. Over time, this practice cultivates patience, tranquillity, and develops an understanding of the self, others, and the nature of reality in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings.


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