411 Spiritual Quotes Osho: Insights And Revelations




Black and white photo of Osho. Spiritual Quotes Osho

Spiritual quotes by Osho have always resonated deeply with me, serving as beacons of wisdom in my personal journey toward inner peace and understanding. These quotes, profound and thought-provoking, delve into the essence of existence, mindfulness, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Osho, with his insightful perspectives, challenges us to look beyond our conditioned beliefs and embrace the beauty of our true selves. For me, spiritual quotes by Osho are more than just words; they are guiding lights that illuminate the path to a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Spiritual quote on top of Osho Meditating

Inspirational Osho Quotes

  1. “Be — don’t try to become.” – Osho
  2. “Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” – Osho
  3. “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches.” – Osho
  4. “Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.” – Osho
  5. “Courage Is a Love Affair with the Unknown” – Osho
  6. “Life begins where fear ends.” – Osho
  7. “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” – Osho
  8. “To be creative means to be in love with life.” – Osho
  9. “A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.” – Osho
  10. “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” – Osho
  11. “Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature.” – Osho
  12. “Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside to be realized.” – Osho
  13. “Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving.” – Osho
  14. “The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it.” – Osho
  15. “Lovers never surrender to each other, lovers simply surrender to love.” – Osho
  16. “If you are in a state of joyfulness you cannot do anything wrong.” – Osho
  17. “Become a master of yourself.” – Osho
  18. “Your heart is the only one who can point you to the right direction.” – Osho
  19. “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” – Osho
  20. “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable.” – Osho
  21. “Never belong to a crowd; Never belong to a nation; Never belong to a religion; Never belong to a race. Belong to the whole of existence. Why limit yourself to small things? When the whole is available.” – Osho
  22. “Respect yourself, respect your own inner voice and follow it.” – Osho
  23. “I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that’s why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead.” – Osho
  24. “If you love yourself, you love others. If you hate yourself, you hate others, because in relationship with others, you can only do to them what you do to yourself.” – Osho
  25. “To avoid pain, they avoid pleasure. To avoid death, they avoid life.” – Osho
  26. “One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: Life is really a great cosmic laughter.” – Osho
  27. “That which makes you miserable is the only sin. That which takes you away from yourself is the only thing to be avoided.” – Osho
  28. “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally – you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.” – Osho
  29. “Courage is a love affair with the unknown.” – Osho
  30. “Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved but they don’t know how to love. And love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue, a very harmonious dialogue.” – Osho
  31. “The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” – Osho
  32. “Only those who are ready to become nobodies are able to love.” – Osho
  33. “Love is the goal, life is the journey.” – Osho
  34. “Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence is celebrating. These trees are not serious, these birds are not serious. The rivers and the oceans are wild, and everywhere there is fun, everywhere there is joy and delight. Watch existence, listen to the existence and become part of it.” – Osho
  35. “If you suffer it is because of you, if you feel blissful it is because of you. Nobody else is responsible – only you and you alone. You are your hell and your heaven too.” – Osho
  36. “When I say be creative I don’t mean that you should all go and become great painters and great poets. I simply mean let your life be a painting, let your life be a poem.” – Osho
  37. “Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on other people’s opinions who don’t know themselves.” – Osho
  38. “Love and respect yourself and never compromise for anything. And then you will be surprised how much growth starts happening of its own accord.. as if rocks have been removed and the river has started flowing.” – Osho
  39. “Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” – Osho
  40. “Luxury is a state of mind. For some, a simple life with basic amenities is a luxury; for others, a luxurious life full of worldly pleasures is a necessity.” – Osho
  41. “The more you try to fight sadness, the more sad you become. Let it go.” – Osho
  42. “The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open.” – Osho
  43. “Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.” – Osho
  44. “It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.” – Osho
  45. “The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” – Osho
  46. “The only thing that is needed is a heart full of love, a heart full of gratitude.” – Osho
  47. “A comfortable, convenient life is not a real life – the more comfortable, the less alive. The most comfortable life is in the grave.” – Osho
  48. “Love is the fragrance of the heart. If your heart is not dancing with the fragrance of love, you are still dead. You have not lived yet.” – Osho
  49. “The total absence of fear is the indication of enlightenment.” – Osho
  50. “Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something that you believe is wrong.” – Osho
  51. “Be love. Be the love that you are. Stop all this nonsense of trying to love.” – Osho
  52. “When you love, you care. And when you care, you naturally do your best.” – Osho
  53. “If you feel loving, you are loving. If you feel angry, you are angry. If you feel sad, you are sad. Just be what you are.” – Osho
  54. “Raise your love. Consciousness has to be purified of all that is not love.” – Osho
  55. “Truth is not to be found outside. No teacher, no scripture can give it to you. It is inside you and if you wish to attain it, seek your own company. Be with yourself.” – Osho
  56. “You are a buddha. You may not know it. You may not believe it. You may not trust that it is so, but it is so.” – Osho
  57. “A single moment of love is equal to the whole eternity of love.” – Osho
  58. “Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” – Osho
  59. “Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax.” – Osho
  60. “Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed – borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.” – Osho
  61. “Life is now and here.” – Osho
  62. “It is a miracle to be alive! It is impossible for anything to be added to life, except more life.” – Osho
  63. “Existence has no obligation to fulfill your desires.” – Osho
  64. “You are searching for something that is already within you, your innermost being.” – Osho
  65. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.” – Osho
  66. “The ultimate state of being is pure consciousness.” – Osho
  67. “If you consciously choose to be ordinary, you will live an extraordinary life.” – Osho
  68. “Be realistic: Plan for a miracle.” – Osho
  69. “In the space of no-mind, truth descends like light.” – Osho
  70. “The only way to know is to be totally free of beliefs, concepts, ideas, and prejudices.” – Osho
  71. “Ignorance is the only sin, and truth is the only virtue.” – Osho
  72. “The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body—to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life.” – Osho
  73. “The past is no more and the future is not yet: both are unnecessarily moving in directions which don’t exist.” – Osho
  74. “The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ – and find that there is no death.” – Osho
  75. “Intelligence is dangerous. Intelligence means you will start thinking on your own; you will start looking around on your own. You will not believe in the scriptures; you will believe only in your own experience.” – Osho
  76. “My whole love and respect is for the person who accepts himself totally, as he is. He has courage. He has courage to face the whole pressure of the society which is bent upon splitting him into divisions — into good and bad, into saint and sinner. He is really a brave, courageous being who stands against the whole history of man, of morality, and declares to the skies his reality, whatever it is.” – Osho
  77. “The only thing that matters is that you are happy. That’s all. Once you are happy, things start happening.” – Osho
  78. “The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given the door will open.” – Osho
  79. “Man’s maturity: to have regained the seriousness that he had as a child at play.” – Osho
  80. “If you really want to know who you are, you have to look at your face in a clear mirror.” – Osho
  81. “When you are not honoring the present moment by allowing it to be, you are creating drama.” – Osho
  82. “Find yourself guilty of any act that you condemn in others.” – Osho
  83. “Happiness is homemade.” – Osho
  84. “My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices. It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently.” – Osho
  85. “Love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue, a very harmonious dialogue.” – Osho
  86. “If you lend your ear to a true master, you will be surprised. His words always point you to yourself.” – Osho
  87. “Love is the purest form of understanding between two people.” – Osho
  88. “All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy.” – Osho
  89. “Don’t be afraid of life’s challenges. It is only when the mind is stretched beyond its own boundaries that real growth happens.” – Osho
  90. “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one’s own understanding without guidance from another.” – Osho
  91. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Osho
  92. “Respect life, revere life. There is nothing more holy than life, nothing more divine than life.” – Osho
  93. “Meditation is not a doing, it is a happening. And the more you do, the longer it will take to happen.” – Osho
  94. “When you come to a place of acceptance of what is, there is a peace that descends upon you. It is only through acceptance that transformation happens.” – Osho
  95. “I call a man religious if he lives according to an inner law. If he has found a source inside his own being and in that source he has found bliss, peace, joy and wisdom, then I call him religious.” – Osho
  96. “You are a mystery of existence. Respect this mystery, discover it, but don’t put your beliefs, concepts, ideas, whatever name you want to give them, on top of it, because that destroys it.” – Osho
  97. “The enlightened one does not die, because he has already died. When you can die before death comes, then death cannot kill you.” – Osho
  98. “Each moment is precious and unique. Live it totally, joyfully, and consciously.” – Osho
  99. “A very simple technique can make you a millionaire: Live each moment with totality. Be intensely alive in each moment.” – Osho
  100. “The word ‘love’ is used so much that it has lost its meaning. But the feeling of love is eternal. It means: I accept you, I respect you, I see you, and I celebrate your being.” – Osho
  101. “The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation.” – Osho
  102. “Reality is not a thing, it is a process. Reality is not a noun, it is a verb.” – Osho
  103. “If you are not laughing totally you are not living totally.” – Osho
  104. “Don’t try to understand life. Live it! Don’t try to understand love. Move into love. Then you will know – and that knowing will come out of your experiencing.” – Osho
  105. “Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.” – Osho
  106. “The only thing that matters is this moment, here and now.” – Osho
  107. “The mind is the greatest enemy of man.” – Osho
  108. “If you are attached to anything, you are not free.” – Osho
  109. “The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” – Osho
  110. “No thought, no mind, no choice — just being silent, rooted in yourself.” – Osho
  111. “The greatest ecstasy in life is to know who you are.” – Osho
  112. “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.” – Osho
  113. “You are not here accidentally – you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.” – Osho
  114. “My whole love and respect is for the person who accepts himself totally, as he is. He has courage.” – Osho
  115. “He has courage to face the whole pressure of the society which is bent upon splitting him into divisions — into good and bad, into saint and sinner. He is really a brave, courageous being who stands against the whole history of man, of morality, and declares to the skies his reality, whatever it is.” – Osho
  116. “Be – don’t try to become.” – Osho
  117. “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty.” – Osho
  118. “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.” – Osho
  119. “Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love – now you are love.” – Osho
  120. “Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that’s what maturity is all about.” – Osho
  121. “Wisdom is a flowering, a fragrance of your being. Wisdom has nothing to do with knowledge; wisdom has something to do with innocence.” – Osho
  122. “Each moment is precious, but we go on sacrificing it for useless things—for thoughts, for worries, for anger, for hatred, for jealousies. We go on sacrificing our energy for absolutely useless things which are not going to give you anything in return.” – Osho
  123. “The moment you accept yourself, you become beautiful.” – Osho
  124. “Maturity has nothing to do with age; it has something to do with sensitivity, something to do with gratefulness, something to do with your inner growth.” – Osho
  125. “If you are not happy with yourself, even if you possess the whole world, you will not be happy.” – Osho
  126. “Remember this: whatsoever is happening, you have chosen it. To be angry is your choice; to be in love is your choice; to be miserable is your choice. Once you see the point, a great transformation happens.” – Osho
  127. “The whole of life is a risk, and the more lovingly you live it, the more risks you take, the more alive you are.” – Osho
  128. “The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself, nobody else’s.” – Osho
  129. “The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That’s what poetry does.” – Osho
  130. “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it.” – Osho
  131. “Be innocent. Be vulnerable. And let love flow through you. Let love become your very life.” – Osho
  132. “Don’t be too much concerned about money because that is the greatest distraction against happiness. And the irony of ironies is that people think they will be happy when they have money. Money has nothing to do with happiness. If you are happy and you have money, you can use it for happiness. If you are unhappy and you have money, you will use that money for more unhappiness. Because money is simply a neutral force.” – Osho
  133. “If you really want to be happy, don’t just go for the money. Go for the passion.” – Osho
  134. “When you are not in a hurry and the mind is free from anxiety, it becomes a great power.” – Osho
  135. “People say love is blind because they do not know what love is. I say unto you, only love has eyes; other than love, everything is blind.” – Osho
  136. “Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.” – Osho
  137. “Anger is energy. It is not bad or good, it is just energy.” – Osho
  138. “If you really want to know who you are, you have to look into yourself, not into the mirror.” – Osho
  139. “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny—he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally—you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.” – Osho
  140. “Don’t be afraid of tears. For tears are the greatest purifier.” – Osho
  141. “The greatest art is to sit silently and let life happen to you.” – Osho
  142. “Happiness is a state of inner fulfillment, not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward things.” – Osho
  143. “Never belong to a crowd; Never belong to a nation; Never belong to a religion; Never belong to a race. Belong to the whole existence. Why limit yourself to small things? When the whole is available.” – Osho
  144. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Osho
  145. “Desire by its very nature is unfulfilable. Desire is not the way to happiness; it is the way to misery.” – Osho
  146. “Go beyond your strength, your intellect and your heart to experience the beauty of your soul.” – Osho
  147. “Creativity comes from the state of mind that you are in. If you are in a state of mind where you are feeling blissful, then creativity follows.” – Osho
  148. “The only thing that matters is the quality of your life.” – Osho
  149. “You are not here to sacrifice your joy or your life. You are here to live, to be happy, and to love.” – Osho
  150. “Laughter is one of the very essences of religion. Seriousness is never religious, cannot be religious.” – Osho
  151. “Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go.” – Osho
  152. “Be joyful because it is humanly possible.” – Osho
  153. “The secret of life is to be in the moment.” – Osho
  154. “You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” – Osho
  155. “I live my life based on 2 principles. One, I live as if today was my last day on earth. Two, I live today as if I am going to live forever.” – Osho
  156. “Don’t try to understand life. Live it! Don’t try to understand love. Move into love. Then you will know and that knowing will come out of your experiencing.” – Osho
  157. “Creativity is the fragrance of individual freedom.” – Osho
  158. “Be crazy in your own way, be mad with joy, be creative.” – Osho
  159. “Whatsoever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.” – Osho
  160. “All the religions of the world, although they talk about love, are basically life negative.” – Osho
  161. “Love is not a relationship, it’s a state of being.” – Osho
  162. “First let your heart be full of love then do whatever you want to.” – Osho
  163. “When the other is not treated as the other, love has arrived.” – Osho
  164. “Love is a mirror. It reflects only your essence, if you have the courage to look in its face.” – Osho
  165. “Love is the greatest therapy and the therapist. It heals. It makes you whole.” – Osho
  166. “The mind is repetitive, the mind always moves in circles. I love linear motions, and I always move in a straight line.” – Osho
  167. “To be creative, drop your knowledge.” – Osho
  168. “Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.” – Osho
  169. “Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all you have. So be total, be intense, be passionate, be alive.” – Osho
  170. “The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ – and find that there is no death.” – Osho
  171. “The only way to live life is either to accept it or to change it. Accept it as if you have chosen it, or change it as if everything depends on you. In other words, do not be a victim.” – Osho
  172. “To be in the present is the only way to be blissful.” – Osho
  173. “The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Osho
  174. “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height.” – Osho
  175. “I help you to become more meditative, I help you to become more joyful.” – Osho
  176. “Life in itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning.” – Osho
  177. “I call that man awake who, with conscious knowledge and understanding, can perceive the deep unreasoning powers in his soul, his whole innermost secret feelings, desires and emotions, and all the external things that come within his range.” – Osho
  178. “Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence is celebrating.” – Osho
  179. “Life is now and here. I have never known any other life than that which is now, and here.” – Osho
  180. “Don’t be afraid of a small beginning. Just give it a try.” – Osho
  181. “Start living, stop dreaming – wake up and you will see this life is a treasure.” – Osho
  182. “Silence is the only language of the realized.” – Osho
  183. “Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world.” – Osho
  184. “Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed – borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.” – Osho
  185. “My meditation is a method of creating inner peace, blissfulness, silence, stillness…of creating a meditative quality in your being.” – Osho
  186. “All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.” – Osho
  187. “The door of love is always open, it never closes. Come whenever you can.” – Osho
  188. “Acceptance is the key to all our problems today. When we accept ourselves the way we are, we are no longer divided in ourselves. We no longer condemn ourselves.” – Osho
  189. “The only way to know is to go beyond knowledge.” – Osho
  190. “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” – Osho
  191. “In a better world we will find our young men and our young women not going to the universities to learn how to destroy humanity, but rather, going to the universities to learn how to serve humanity.” – Osho
  192. “Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.” – Osho
  193. “Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.” – Osho
  194. “Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.” – Osho
  195. “The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others.” – Osho
  196. “Seriousness becomes like a blindness. Don’t take life serious. Play with it!” – Osho
  197. “In love the other is important; in lust you are important.” – Osho
  198. “Existence is celebrating, existence is a celebration. Celebrate it! Dance with the trees, dance with the wind, dance with the ocean, and you will feel existence dancing with you in your heart.” – Osho
  199. “My message is to live, sing, dance and love as intensely as possible.” – Osho
  200. “The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself.” – Osho
  201. “Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is beyond knowledge. Wisdom is the spontaneous flowering of your consciousness.” – Osho
  202. “Each moment is precious, but we go on sacrificing it for useless things — for thoughts, for worries, for anger, for hatred, for jealousies. We go on sacrificing our energy for absolutely useless things which are not going to give you anything in return.” – Osho
  203. “The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the door to all moments.” – Osho
  204. “Drop the past and the future. Just be here now, in the moment.” – Osho
  205. “To be oneself is the greatest courage in life.” – Osho
  206. “Remember this: whatsoever is happening, you have chosen it.” – Osho
  207. “The moment you accept yourself as you are, all burdens, all mountainous burdens, simply disappear. Then life is a sheer joy, a festival of lights.” – Osho
  208. “There is no meaning in life except the meaning you give it.” – Osho
  209. “Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books – especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings, and pray for guidance every day.” – Osho
  210. “The past is no more and the future is not yet: both are unnecessarily moving in directions which don’t exist. One used to exist, but no longer exists, and one has not even started to exist. The only right person is one who lives moment to moment.” – Osho
  211. “The less the head, the more the wound will heal. No head there is no wound.” – Osho
  212. “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves.” – Osho
  213. “Be a lotus flower. Be in the water, and do not let the water touch you.” – Osho
  214. “Wisdom has nothing to do with knowledge. Wisdom is the flowering of your own being, it is the fragrance of your soul.” – Osho
  215. “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny—he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.” – Osho
  216. “Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all you have.” – Osho
  217. “Each moment is precious, but we go on sacrificing it for useless things — for thoughts, for worries, for anger, for hatred, for jealousies.” – Osho
  218. “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.” – Osho
  219. “The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ — and find that there is no death.” – Osho
  220. “My meditation is a method of creating inner peace, blissfulness, silence, stillness… of creating a meditative quality in your being.” – Osho
  221. “Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed — borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.” – Osho
  222. “Start living, stop dreaming – wake up and you will see this life is a treasure.” – Osho
  223. “Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.” – Osho
  224. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Osho
  225. “The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change.” – Osho
  226. “Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” – Osho
  227. “The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Osho
  228. “Don’t be serious. Be sincere.” – Osho
  229. “Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.” – Osho
  230. “When you are not in competition with anybody, you are in competition with yourself.” – Osho
  231. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Osho
  232. “Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.” – Osho
  233. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Osho
  234. “Your heart knows things that your mind can’t explain.” – Osho
  235. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Osho
  236. “The only way to learn the secret of life is by love.” – Osho
  237. “All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past.” – Osho
  238. “Each moment is precious, but we go on sacrificing it for useless things – for thoughts, for worries, for anger, for hatred, for jealousies. We go on sacrificing our energy for absolutely useless things which are not going to give you anything in return.” – Osho
  239. “Remember this: whatsoever is happening, you have chosen it. To be angry is your choice; to be in love is your choice; to be miserable is your choice.” – Osho
  240. “Don’t be too much concerned about money because that is the greatest distraction against happiness. And the irony of ironies is that people think they will be happy when they have money.” – Osho
  241. “The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer” – Osho
  242. “Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.” – Osho
  243. “Existence is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.” – Osho
  244. “The world is not to be put in order. The world is order. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order.” – Osho
  245. “Love is the ultimate experience in life. Only love can make you a real individual.” – Osho
  246. “Enlightenment is not an achievement, it is an understanding that there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go.” – Osho
  247. “To be alone is the fate of all great souls.” – Osho
  248. “Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.” – Osho
  249. “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Osho
  250. “Realize that this existence is a gift, and there is no way to be thankful for it other than living it totally.” – Osho
  251. “Meditation is a way of getting out of your own way.” – Osho
  252. “Love is the alchemy of transforming animals into humans and humans into gods.” – Osho
  253. “The heart is always right – if there’s a question of choosing between the mind and the heart – because mind is a creation of the society. It has been educated. You have been given it by the society, not by existence. The heart is unpolluted.” – Osho
  254. “Intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average person. The smarter you are, the more selective you become.” – Osho
  255. “Life is a balance between rest and movement.” – Osho
  256. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” – Osho
  257. “If you have to choose, choose now. If you have to choose, choose love.” – Osho
  258. “The world is not a problem; the problem is your unawareness.” – Osho
  259. “Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.” – Osho
  260. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” – Osho
  261. “If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love another person less than yourself, you will not succeed in loving yourself.” – Osho
  262. “Only when a tree has fallen can you take the measure of it. It is the same with a man.” – Osho
  263. “Intelligence is dangerous. Intelligence means you will start thinking on your own; you will start looking around on your own.” – Osho
  264. “Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved but they don’t know how to love.” – Osho
  265. “The greatest calamity that can happen to a human being is to forget his own self, to forget his own being.” – Osho
  266. “Life and love are inseparable. If they are not, then it is not love…. Life and love are one thing, not two things.” – Osho
  267. “It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.” – Osho
  268. “Love is a state of being; it has nothing to do with anybody else. One is not ‘in love’, one is love.” – Osho
  269. “Learn to be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” – Osho
  270. “Meditation is a device to make you more aware of the beautitude that surrounds you, the beauty that is within you.” – Osho
  271. “If you can empty your own boat crossing the river of the world, no one will oppose you, no one will seek to harm you.” – Osho
  272. “Existence is full of love and laughter. Allow it to happen to you: all the colors and all the rainbows that life is, all the ecstasies and all the celebrations that life is.” – Osho
  273. “Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness?” – Osho
  274. “Ego is the only thing that cannot love.” – Osho
  275. “Become a loner. That gives you time to be alone, to meditate, and to go deeper within yourself.” – Osho
  276. “I call it meditation. That is my word for love.” – Osho
  277. “Mindfulness means moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness.” – Osho
  278. “Be like an alone peak high in the sky. Why should you hanker to belong? You are not a thing! Things belong!” – Osho
  279. “Ecstasy is our very nature; not to be ecstatic is simply unnecessary. To be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs great effort to be miserable.” – Osho
  280. “Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.” – Osho
  281. “The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” – Osho
  282. “I’m simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I’m saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. Just by being a simple witness of your thought processes.” – Osho
  283. “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” – Osho
  284. “The greatest love is to give people their space.” – Osho
  285. “The secret of meditation is simple: you become what you meditate on. When you meditate on God, you gradually become God.” – Osho
  286. “The heart is always right – if there’s a question of choosing between the mind and the heart – because mind is a creation of the society. It has been educated. You have been given it by the society, not by existence. The heart is unpolluted.” – Osho
  287. “Love brings freedom. Loyalty brings slavery.” – Osho
  288. “The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.” – Osho
  289. “Aes dhammo sanantano: everything changes. To try to hold on to anything is to miss the point. The only thing you can do is to let go. Let go with both hands.” – Osho
  290. “All the Buddhas of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be — don’t try to become.” – Osho
  291. “In the mind there is no silence. There is always constant chattering. Only in the no-mind there is silence.” – Osho
  292. “If you love, love openly. Twenty monks and one nun, sitting in the monastery, watching the sun go down… If you think the lotus position is easy, try it.” – Osho
  293. “A man of understanding does not need to be reminded of anything, because he lives moment to moment spontaneously, joyously.” – Osho
  294. “In life there are no full stops, only commas.” – Osho
  295. “Love knows no boundaries. Love is infinity.” – Osho
  296. “There is no need to search; achievement leads to nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now! Love is the only reality of the world, because it is all One, you see. And the only laws are paradox, humor and change. There is no problem, never was, and never will be. Release your struggle, let go of your mind, throw away your concerns, and relax into the world. No need to resist life, just do your best. Open your eyes and see that you are far more than you imagine. You are the world, you are the universe; you are yourself and everyone else, too! It’s all the marvelous Play of God. Wake up, regain your humor. Don’t worry, just be happy. You are already free!” – Osho
  297. “To be creative you have to be innocent. Only those who are innocent can be creative. All creativity comes out of the innocent mind.” – Osho
  298. “Your being is the creative force. Trust it, relax into it, let it take you into the unknown.” – Osho
  299. “Love is not an emotion, it is your very existence.” – Osho
  300. “All suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their own happiness or satisfaction.” – Osho
  301. “Life is now and here. Life is not then and there. Life is not in the future, not in the past. It is only in the present moment.” – Osho
  302. “Misery is unnecessary. Misery is created by wrong outlook towards life.” – Osho
  303. “A really spiritual person is a person who lives moment to moment. Not in the past, not in the future, but in the present.” – Osho
  304. “Remember one thing: whatsoever is natural is good. Let it be so. Don’t try to change yourself according to somebody else.” – Osho
  305. “If you love yourself, you love others. If you hate yourself, you hate others, because in relationship with others, you project what you are.” – Osho
  306. “Be a light unto yourself.” – Osho
  307. “Nobody is entitled to anything. Everything is a gift.” – Osho
  308. “Knowledge is not knowing, knowledge is being. And when you are, you know without knowing.” – Osho
  309. “Love is the perfume of God. Love is the light of eternity. Love is the river that flows from one heart to another.” – Osho
  310. “Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness. Rather than jumping from one shallow happiness to another shallow happiness and wasting your life, it is better to use sadness as a means for meditation. Witness it. It is a friend! It opens the door of your eternal aloneness.” – Osho
  311. “Be ordinary, but bring a quality of awareness to your ordinary life. Bring God to your every act. Live life as if it is prayer. And then you will come to know the eternal.” – Osho
  312. “The greatest calamity that can happen to a human being is to forget his own self, his own being.” – Osho
  313. “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he or she has something to fulfill, some message that has to be delivered, some work that has to be completed. You are not here accidentally – you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.” – Osho
  314. “Be in love with life. Be in love with your body, your mind, your day, your night, with everything that is happening around you. Love it. You are lucky that you are alive. Millions of people are in their graves, who would like to come back. You are alive! Be grateful for it.” – Osho
  315. “I teach you to be authentic, integrated individuals with immense self-respect.” – Osho
  316. “The way to do is to be.” – Osho
  317. “Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time. It is an awareness and an attitude that must persist throughout the day.” – Osho
  318. “The more you become aware of the unknown, the more you realize that it is full of potential for you. Without the unknown, life is just a stale repetition of outworn memories. You become old, nothing remains young.” – Osho
  319. “If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love another person less than you love yourself, you will not really succeed in loving yourself.” – Osho
  320. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Osho
  321. “All problems are created by the mind. And it is only because of the mind that they are sustained. Look at the bright side of life and choose to be happy.” – Osho
  322. “Love yourself and watch – today, tomorrow, always.” – Osho
  323. “Don’t make a goal out of meditation, then it becomes an ego trip. Meditation is not a goal, it is a journey; there is no goal to it because it is an ongoing phenomenon. It is a river.” – Osho
  324. “Life is a constant process of letting go.” – Osho
  325. “You cannot find the light by analyzing the darkness.” – Osho
  326. “The only way to know is to be. Never be a knower, always be a learner.” – Osho
  327. “Laugh your way to God! Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease.” – Osho
  328. “Become more and more innocent, less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun – because that’s precisely what it is!” – Osho
  329. “Meditation is the art of doing nothing.” – Osho
  330. “Become a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” – Osho
  331. “Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too.” – Osho
  332. “Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence is celebrating. These trees are not serious, these birds are not serious. The rivers and the oceans are wild, and everywhere there is fun, everywhere there is joy and delight.” – Osho
  333. “Once a person is enlightened, everything is okay. Whether you live or you die does not matter anymore, it is the same. Whether you are successful or a failure is the same, once you have attained to your own being.” – Osho
  334. “Man has removed himself from nature, and now he is far away from the sun, from the moon, from the stars, from the rivers, from the ocean, from the mountains. He has become a very artificial phenomenon.” – Osho
  335. “If you are seeking, you must not stop until you find. When you find, however, you will become confused because you will realize that what you found is not what you were seeking.” – Osho
  336. “The true religion is to be in love with life.” – Osho
  337. “Throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are.” – Osho
  338. “The greatest luxury is to integrate sinners and saints in your being.” – Osho
  339. “Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.” – Osho
  340. “Seeking is the beginning of the finding, asking is the beginning of the receiving, knocking is the beginning of the opening – but you have to begin.” – Osho
  341. “Worry is the mind. Worry disappears when you are simply watching the mind.” – Osho
  342. “Why even get married? Why not just live together? And there are people who ask: Why get involved in any relationship? Why not just be alone? But nobody asks why get born?” – Osho
  343. “Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.” – Osho
  344. “Freedom is the ultimate value in the human soul.” – Osho
  345. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Osho
  346. “Meditation means creating a space where nothing is happening. It is a passivity, inaction; it is just being, not doing anything – no movement, no desire, no past, no future.” – Osho
  347. “There are things that are really difficult to let go of, but you must understand when the time comes and it is inevitable, don’t cling too long or you will lose your strength.” – Osho
  348. “To be in the moment is the miracle.” – Osho
  349. “You cannot have it all. If you are too good, you cannot be real. If you are absolutely real, you may have many flaws.” – Osho
  350. “Love and respect yourself and never compromise for anything. And then you will be surprised how much growth starts happening of its own accord… as if rocks have been removed and the river has started flowing.” – Osho
  351. “The greatest ecstasy in life is to know who you are. Nobody can give that to you.” – Osho
  352. “If you really want to know, you have to live. If you really want to see, you have to open your eyes. If you want existence to reveal its mysteries to you, you have to be in rapport.” – Osho
  353. “The only thing that matters in life, is your own opinion about yourself, nobody else’s.” – Osho
  354. “Love, and do what you like.” – Osho
  355. “A man who lives with his heart and not with his mind is valuable.” – Osho
  356. “Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense.” – Osho
  357. “Life always gives you what you need and not necessarily what you want.” – Osho
  358. “When you are total, you don’t need to be perfect.” – Osho
  359. “The only thing that is going to save humanity is laughter.” – Osho
  360. “Enjoy life. This is not a rehearsal.” – Osho
  361. “To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” – Osho
  362. “The ordinary man lives in the body, the intelligent man lives in the mind, the enlightened one lives in the spirit.” – Osho
  363. “If you become wise, you become nobody. Only a fool is interested in proving that he is somebody.” – Osho
  364. “If you want to know the meaning of your life, you have to create it. You are the only one who is in charge of the meaning of your life.” – Osho
  365. “Only a blind man can easily define what light is. When you do not know, you are bold. Ignorance is always bold; knowledge hesitates. And the more you know, the more you feel that the ground underneath is dissolving. The more you know, the more you feel how ignorant you are.” – Osho
  366. “There is no greater ecstasy than to know who you are.” – Osho
  367. “Knowledge makes people humble. Ignorance makes people proud.” – Osho
  368. “Mind is repetitive, mind always moves in circles. Mind is a mechanism: you feed it with knowledge, it repeats the same knowledge, it goes on chewing the same knowledge again and again.” – Osho
  369. “Remember this: Whatsoever you come across – and you will come across many things on the way; life is full of them – you need not be the doer. Let things happen to you as they are happening to the trees, as they are happening to the rivers. Let them happen to you also. Don’t resist.” – Osho
  370. “Freedom, love, playfulness, creativity and silence. These are the ultimate values, and if you live them, you will live a life of immense joy and spiritual growth.” – Osho
  371. “The life of a sannyasin should be a life of no expectations, no disappointments. The only way to avoid disappointments is not to have expectations.” – Osho
  372. “I teach the art of awareness, of being aware, of being alert. If you become aware, you cannot do anything wrong. And once you are aware, you become so full of light that darkness disappears of its own accord.” – Osho
  373. “A sinner has much more possibility than a saint because the saint has already become rigid. He is no more flowing; he is no more growing.” – Osho
  374. “The art of meditation is the way to bring out the inner light.” – Osho
  375. “The only thing that can save the world is reclaiming the awareness of the world. That’s what the word ‘enlightenment’ means.” – Osho
  376. “If you enjoy it, everything is good. If you don’t enjoy, everything is bad.” – Osho
  377. “You cannot think about presence, and the moment you think about it, you have already made it past or future.” – Osho
  378. “You cannot control the world, but you can control yourself. The whole of spirituality is about that: self-control, self-discipline, self-transformation.” – Osho
  379. “The bird is on the wing, and the wing is on the bird, and the bird is on the infinite.” – Osho
  380. “Because of your fear, you are hanging on to many things which are not needed on the journey.” – Osho
  381. “You are accepted as you are, in your totality. Nothing is rejected, nothing is excluded.” – Osho
  382. “When you are identified, you are in prison. When identity is dropped, you are released, you are freed — you become freedom itself.” – Osho
  383. “Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves.” – Osho
  384. “You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth. It is only your body that is born and dies.” – Osho
  385. “The only way to find peace is to teach your heart to love.” – Osho
  386. “You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy.” – Osho
  387. “The knowledgeable person lives with a question mark ‘?’ and the man of awe and wonder lives with an exclamation mark ‘!’ I am in favor of exclamation marks, I am against question marks.” – Osho
  388. “If your love is great, your woman will become a goddess not less than Parvati. If your love is even greater, your woman will become a shakti. If your love is total, your woman will just be an aspect of the whole feminine.” – Osho
  389. “Laughter is the very essence of religion. Seriousness is never religious, cannot be religious. Seriousness is of the ego, part of the very disease. Laughter is egolessness.” – Osho
  390. “Meditation is the ultimate love affair – with yourself, with the beyond, with the beyond within.” – Osho
  391. “Nirvana or lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved only through persistent exercise of real love.” – Osho
  392. “If you feel hate, there is something wrong with you. If you feel love, everything is right with you.” – Osho
  393. “Each moment is a new reality. What you think is blocking your vision. Throw it away.” – Osho
  394. “Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents in asylums, who can’t, and those in cemeteries.” – Osho
  395. “Don’t seek happiness, let your life be an expression of your bliss.” – Osho
  396. “Listening is one of the greatest arts. To be able to listen you need courage, you need an open mind, you need a loving heart. You need to be able to put your own thoughts and feelings aside and just be there, totally available to the person you are listening to.” – Osho
  397. “Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking at what people are saying about you. And you are always following other people, you are always trying to satisfy them. You are always trying to be respectable, you are always trying to decorate your ego. This is suicidal. Rather than being disturbed by what others say, you should start looking inside yourself.” – Osho
  398. “If you want to learn anything, learn trust – nothing else is needed. If you are miserable, nothing else will help – learn trust. If you want to be blissful, nothing else will help – learn trust. Trust is the bridge between you and existence.” – Osho
  399. “There are two types of people in the world: the givers and the takers. The takers eat well. The givers sleep well.” – Osho
  400. “If you are not happy being alone, you are in bad company.” – Osho
  401. “Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky, because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking to what people are saying about you.” – Osho
  402. “Love is no the path of least resistance. Love is a very narrow bridge.” – Osho
  403. “Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.” – Osho
  404. “The inner emptiness is the door to God. Laugh your way to God! Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease.” – Osho
  405. “If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects. Because those defects are a part of the person. Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you simply love.” – Osho
  406. “The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.” – Osho
  407. “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I.” – Osho
  408. “If you feel love and kindness toward others, you will find that you are automatically reaching the goal.” – Osho
  409. “The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.” – Osho
  410. “When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.” – Osho
  411. “Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking at what people are saying about you.” – Osho
Osho falling in love quote.

Conclusion on Spiritual Master Osho

Osho’s words have the power to transform our lives and help us see the world in a new light. By embracing his teachings of love, acceptance, and inner peace, we can learn to live more fulfilling and authentic lives. Whether we are facing challenges or simply seeking to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world, Osho’s quotes offer timeless wisdom and guidance.

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