Gratitude Journal For Manifestation – Free Template




Woman writing in her Gratitude Journal For Manifestation in a meadow.

A gratitude journal for manifestation is a daily practice of writing down what you are thankful for. It’s a simple yet effective way to cultivate a positive mindset and align yourself with the energy of abundance. By expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life, you attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gratitude journaling involves regularly writing down things you are thankful for, which can help you focus on the positive aspects of life.
  • Benefits of gratitude journaling include increased happiness, better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, improved physical health, stronger relationships, and greater overall well-being.
  • To get the most out of gratitude journaling, be specific and focus on people rather than things.
  • Gratitude journaling works by rewiring the brain to be more positive, releasing feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, and decreasing stress hormones.

Download our free Gratitude Manifestation Template to follow along with this article.

11 Steps to Create a Gratitude Journal for Manifestation

Beautiful blue journal laying on a plank of wood.
  1. Choose a journal that inspires you. It can be a simple notebook or a guided journal with prompts and exercises.
  2. Set aside time each day to write in your gratitude journal. It can be first thing in the morning or before bed.
  3. Start with three things you are grateful for. They can be big or small, such as your health, a supportive friend, or a beautiful sunset.
  4. Be specific and descriptive. Instead of writing “I’m grateful for my family,” write “I’m grateful for my mom’s unconditional love and support.”
  5. Focus on the feelings. Describe how each thing you’re grateful for makes you feel, such as loved, supported, or inspired.
  6. Use positive affirmations. Write down statements that affirm your desires, such as “I am worthy of abundance” or “I attract love and joy into my life.”
  7. Visualize your dreams. Imagine yourself living the life you want and describe it in detail in your journal.
  8. Practice the 369 method. Write down your affirmation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bed.
  9. Express gratitude for the things you want to manifest as if you already have them. For example, “I am so grateful for my dream job that fulfills and pays me well.”
  10. Review your journal regularly. Read your entries to remind yourself of all the blessings in your life and reinforce your positive mindset.
  11. Take inspired action. Use the insights and motivation from your gratitude journal to take steps toward your goals and dreams.

Gratitude Journal for Manifestation Template Example

Here’s an example of what a gratitude journal entry might look like:

Date: May 13, 2024

I am grateful for:
1. My loving and supportive partner who always believes in me and encourages me to pursue my dreams.
2. The beautiful sunny weather today that filled me with energy and joy.
3. The delicious and nourishing meal I enjoyed with my family tonight.

Affirmation: I am a magnet for abundance and success. Opportunities and blessings flow to me effortlessly.

Visualization: I am living in my dream home, a spacious and light-filled house surrounded by nature. I wake up each morning feeling grateful and excited for the day ahead. My work is fulfilling and abundant, and I have plenty of time and resources to travel, learn, and give back to my community.

369 Method:
I am so grateful for the financial freedom and abundance that flows to me easily. (x3)
I am so grateful for the financial freedom and abundance that flows to me easily. (x6)
I am so grateful for the financial freedom and abundance that flows to me easily. (x9)

The Power of Appreciation: Manifesting Abundance Through Gratitude

Woman writing in her manifestation journal in the morning.

Gratitude is the foundation of manifestation. When you appreciate what you already have, you open yourself up to receiving more. By focusing on the good in your life, you shift your energy from lack to abundance, attracting more positive experiences and opportunities.

Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a daily practice of appreciation. By taking just a few minutes each day to write down the things you’re thankful for, you train your brain to look for the good in every situation. Over time, this positive focus becomes a habit, and you start to see abundance and blessings everywhere you look.

Write Your Way to Your Dream Life: Gratitude Journaling 101

If you’re new to gratitude journaling, it can feel intimidating at first. But the beauty of this practice is that there are no rules or requirements. You can start small, with just a few minutes a day, and gradually build up to a longer practice as it feels comfortable.

Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Choose a journal that feels special to you. It can be a simple notebook or a guided journal with prompts and exercises.
  2. Set aside a specific time each day to write in your journal. Many people find it helpful to journal first thing in the morning or before bed.
  3. Start with three things you’re grateful for. They can be big or small, such as your health, a supportive friend, or a beautiful sunset.
  4. Be specific and descriptive. Instead of writing “I’m grateful for my family,” write “I’m grateful for my sister’s infectious laughter and the way she always knows how to cheer me up.”
  5. Focus on the feelings. Describe how each thing you’re grateful for makes you feel, such as loved, supported, or inspired.

As you continue your gratitude journaling practice, you may find incorporating other manifestation techniques, such as affirmations, visualization, and the 369 method helpful. These tools can help you clarify your desires, align your energy with your goals, and take inspired action toward your dreams.

101 Gratitude Journaling Prompts to Manifest Love, Health and Wealth

If you ever feel stuck or uninspired in your gratitude journaling practice, prompts can be a helpful tool to get the creative juices flowing. Here are 101 prompts to help you manifest love, health, and wealth:


  1. Write about a loving gesture from your partner that made you feel appreciated. 7
  2. Reflect on a time when you felt unconditionally loved.
  3. Express gratitude for a friend who has been there for you through thick and thin.
  4. Appreciate a family member who always believes in you and your dreams.
  5. Write about the little things your loved ones do that bring a smile to your face.
  6. Reflect on a past relationship that taught you an important lesson about love.
  7. Express gratitude for your own capacity to give and receive love.
  8. Write about a time you felt a deep connection with someone.
  9. Appreciate the love and support of your pets or animal companions.
  10. Reflect on the love that exists in your community or chosen family.
  11. Write about a time someone showed you kindness or compassion.
  12. Express gratitude for the opportunity to love and be loved each day.
  13. Reflect on a book, movie or song that taught you something meaningful about love.
  14. Write about a challenging time in a relationship that ultimately brought you closer.
  15. Express gratitude for the diversity of love that exists in the world.
  16. Reflect on a time you felt love and acceptance from a stranger.
  17. Write about a moment of self-love and acceptance that was transformative for you.
  18. Express gratitude for the ways your loved ones encourage you to be your best self.
  19. Reflect on the enduring power of love in your life and in the world.
  20. Write about an experience of love that transcended words.


  1. Express gratitude for your body and all the amazing things it allows you to do. 4
  2. Write about a time you overcame an illness or injury and how it made you stronger.
  3. Reflect on the people in your life who support your health and well-being.
  4. Express gratitude for access to nutritious foods that nourish your body.
  5. Write about a physical activity or exercise that makes you feel alive and energized.
  6. Reflect on a health challenge that taught you the importance of self-care.
  7. Express gratitude for the medical professionals who work to keep you healthy.
  8. Write about a time you listened to your body’s needs and gave it what it required.
  9. Reflect on the incredible resilience and healing capacity of the human body.
  10. Express gratitude for the mental health resources available to you.
  11. Write about a healthy habit or ritual that has improved your overall well-being.
  12. Reflect on the natural remedies and holistic practices that support your health.
  13. Express gratitude for the clean air, water, and environment that sustain you.
  14. Write about a health goal you achieved through dedication and hard work.
  15. Reflect on the ways in which your physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected.
  16. Express gratitude for the health challenges that have made you more compassionate.
  17. Write about a time you took a stand for your own health and well-being.
  18. Reflect on the ways in which laughter and joy contribute to your overall health.
  19. Express gratitude for the strength and vitality you possess at this moment.
  20. Write about a health role model who inspires you to live your best life.


  1. Express gratitude for the abundance that already exists in your life. 5
  2. Write about a financial blessing or windfall that came at just the right time.
  3. Reflect on the skills and talents that allow you to create value.
  4. Express gratitude for the opportunities you have to grow your wealth.
  5. Write about a money mindset shift that has positively impacted your life.
  6. Reflect on the ways in which your wealth allows you to be generous and help others.
  7. Express gratitude for the mentors and advisors who have guided you in your financial journey.
  8. Write about a financial goal you achieved through planning and perseverance.
  9. Reflect on the abundance of resources and knowledge available to you.
  10. Express gratitude for the ways in which your wealth contributes to your sense of security.
  11. Write about a purchase or investment that has brought you joy and fulfillment.
  12. Reflect on the ways in which your wealth allows you to pursue your passions.
  13. Express gratitude for the financial lessons you have learned, even through challenges.
  14. Write about a time you used your wealth to create a positive impact in the world.
  15. Reflect on the abundance of opportunities that exist in the world for creating wealth.
  16. Express gratitude for the ways in which your wealth allows you to take care of your loved ones.
  17. Write about a financial role model who inspires you to be smart and generous with your wealth.
  18. Reflect on the ways in which your wealth is a tool for creating the life you desire.
  19. Express gratitude for the collaborative opportunities your wealth provides.
  20. Write about a time you felt truly prosperous and abundant, regardless of your bank balance.

General Gratitude:

  1. List 5 simple pleasures that you often take for granted. 4
  2. Write about a challenge you faced that ultimately taught you a valuable lesson.
  3. Reflect on the ways in which you have grown and evolved over the past year.
  4. Express gratitude for the place you call home and all the comforts it provides.
  5. Write about a time you witnessed something incredibly beautiful in nature.
  6. Reflect on the ways in which your unique personality and quirks make you special.
  7. Express gratitude for the mistakes and failures that have helped you grow.
  8. Write about a book, piece of art, or music that always uplifts and inspires you.
  9. Reflect on the ways in which you are privileged and how you can use that for good.
  10. Express gratitude for the simple act of breathing and the gift of being alive.
  11. Write about a time a stranger showed you an unexpected act of kindness.
  12. Reflect on the ways in which your challenges have made you more resilient.
  13. Express gratitude for the role of technology in connecting you to others and to knowledge.
  14. Write about a childhood memory that always brings a smile to your face.
  15. Reflect on the ways in which your education, both formal and informal, has enriched your life.
  16. Express gratitude for the diversity of cultures, perspectives, and experiences in the world.
  17. Write about a time you were brave and stood up for what you believed in.
  18. Reflect on the ways in which your imagination and creativity bring joy to your life.
  19. Express gratitude for the people in your life who challenge you to be your best self.
  20. Write about a time you felt truly at peace and content with your life.
  21. Reflect on the ways in which your intuition and inner wisdom guide you.
  22. Express gratitude for the opportunities you have to learn and grow each day.
  23. Write about a time you surprised yourself with your own strength and resilience.
  24. Reflect on the ways in which your vulnerabilities and imperfections make you human.
  25. Express gratitude for the role of humor and laughter in bringing lightness to your life.
  26. Write about a time you felt a deep sense of belonging and connection to others.
  27. Reflect on the ways in which your life experiences have given you wisdom and perspective.
  28. Express gratitude for the simple pleasures of taste, smell, touch, sight, and sound.
  29. Write about a time you took a leap of faith and trusted in the journey of life.
  30. Reflect on the ways in which your dreams and aspirations give your life meaning and purpose.
  31. Express gratitude for the cycles and seasons of life, and the beauty in each stage.
  32. Write about a time you felt overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for your life.
  33. Reflect on the ways in which your setbacks and detours have led you to unexpected blessings.
  34. Express gratitude for the power of forgiveness and the freedom it brings.
  35. Write about a time you witnessed an act of compassion or generosity that inspired you.
  36. Reflect on the ways in which your story and your voice have the power to make a difference.
  37. Express gratitude for the mysteries and wonders of the universe that fill you with awe.
  38. Write about a time you felt a deep connection to something greater than yourself.
  39. Reflect on the ways in which your gratitude practice has transformed your life.
  40. Express gratitude for the opportunity to begin each day anew with a grateful heart.
  41. Write about what you are most grateful for in this present moment.

From Lack to Plenty: Shifting Your Mindset with a Gratitude Journal

Blank journal laying open on a rock.

One of the biggest obstacles to manifestation is a lack mindset. When you focus on what you don’t have, you attract more of the same. But when you shift your focus to abundance and gratitude, you open up to receiving more of what you want.

A gratitude journal is a powerful tool for shifting your mindset from lack to plenty. By consistently focusing on the good in your life, you train your brain to look for abundance and opportunities everywhere. Over time, this positive focus becomes a habit, and you start to attract more of what you want into your life.

Tip: Regularly appreciating what I have keeps me grounded in sufficiency and contentment. Scarcity and envy have so much less of a grip on me now.

Gratitude Journaling: The Daily Habit That Can Change Your Life

Gratitude journaling is more than just a feel-good exercise. It’s a daily habit that can transform your life in profound ways. By consistently focusing on the things you’re thankful for, you cultivate a positive mindset, increase your resilience, and attract more abundance and joy into your life.

But like any habit, gratitude journaling requires consistency and commitment. It’s not enough to write in your journal once in a while when you feel like it. To truly reap the benefits of this practice, it’s important to make it a daily habit, even if you only have a few minutes to spare.

Here are some tips for making gratitude journaling a consistent part of your daily routine:

  1. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to journal at the same time each day.
  2. Keep your journal in a visible place, such as on your nightstand or desk.
  3. Start small and build up gradually. Even just one sentence of gratitude per day can make a difference.
  4. Make it a ritual. Light a candle, play some soft music, or brew a cup of tea to make your journaling time feel special and sacred.
  5. Be patient and kind with yourself. Some days it may feel harder to find things to be grateful for, and that’s okay. Just keep showing up and trust the process.

Journaling Yourself Into Alignment: Law of Attraction and Gratitude

Gratitude journaling is a powerful tool for aligning yourself with the energy of abundance and attracting more of what you want into your life. When you consistently focus on what you’re thankful for, you raise your vibration and become a magnet for positive experiences and opportunities.

But gratitude journaling is just one piece of the manifestation puzzle. To truly harness the power of the law of attraction, combining gratitude with other manifestation techniques, such as visualization, affirmations, and inspired action, is essential.

Here’s how you can use your gratitude journal to align yourself with your desires and manifest your dream life:

  1. Get clear on what you want. Write down your goals, dreams, and desires in detail in your journal.
  2. Visualize yourself already having what you want. Describe in your journal how it feels to live your dream life, as if it’s already happening.
  3. Use affirmations to reinforce your desires. Write down positive statements in your journal that affirm your worthiness and ability to manifest your dreams.
  4. Take inspired action. Use the insights and motivation from your gratitude journal to take steps towards your goals, no matter how small.
  5. Trust the process. Let go of attachment to the outcome and trust that the universe has your back. Keep showing up with gratitude and faith, and watch as your dreams unfold.

By combining the power of gratitude with the law of attraction, you can create a life beyond your wildest dreams. All it takes is a pen, a journal, and a willingness to focus on the good and trust in the universe’s abundance. So what are you waiting for? Start your gratitude journal today and watch your life transform miraculously. Remember, the power to create your reality lies within you. All you have to do is believe, appreciate, and receive.

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